Thursday, February 24, 2011

Advanced Social Media Class #5

Advanced Social Media
Nackey Loeb School of Communication
January 19 – March 2, 2011

Remember: Social Media is hard work, takes time, and diligence to succeed!

Week #1: Selecting your preferred browser, tools, and setting up your online workspace
                Homework: Writing your 140 character bio
Week #2: Understanding Your Market, Research & Keywords
                Guest Speaker: Tony Santorsa, Case Study: blog
Week #3: Blogging – Guest Teacher: Whitney Tyson, Grow Socially
                 Guest Speaker: Nolan Antonucci, NiteLite Sports
Week#4: The NEW Facebook Pages
                Guest Speaker: Gemma French, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Week #5 – Twitter

·      Twitter Fun Videos
o   10% male vs. 9% female
o   14% 18-29
o   10% <$30K = !0% $50-75K
o   18% Hispanic
o   9% College & 9% Some College
o   11% Urban

·      Follow vs. Followers
o   Follow People who interested you
o   Don’t worry about who is following you *unless they are offensive

·      A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter Basics
o   Terminology
o   Etiquette
·      How To: Twitter Help Center []

·      Twitter Resources/Goodies []
o   Follow Buttons
o   Tweet Buttons
o   Twitter Logos & Icons
o   Widgets

·      Widgets for my Website []
o   Profile
o   Search
o   Faves
o   List

·      Who to Follow

·      Settings

·      Fun & Creative Used for Twitter

25 Creative uses for Twitter []
Search for old Tweets []
Twitter Search To Find a Job []
Tips to Maximize Your SM Productivity []

@askNH []
TWS Passion Play []

Judi  -
603-621-0638 (home/office) - 603-785-9981 (iPhone)
Library of Reference & Reading Materials:

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Advanced Social Media
Nackey Loeb School of Communication
January 19 – March 2, 2011

Remember: Social Media is hard work, takes time, and diligence to succeed!
Week #1: Selecting your preferred browser, tools, and setting up your online workspace
                Homework: Writing your 140 character bio
Week #2: Understanding Your Market, Research & Keywords
                Guest Speaker: Tony Santorsa, Case Study: blog
Week #3: Blogging – Guest Teacher: Whitney Tyson, Grow Socially
                 Guest Speaker: Nolan Antonucci, NiteLite Sports

Week #4 – The NEW Facebook Pages

Note to accompany PowerPoint presentation:
Page 3:
      Deliver Value
      Useful Info
      Free/Discount Offers
      Be Inspiring
      Inside scoop
      Be Friendly; Be “social”
      Use the first person (spoken language) rather than written language
      Be live and spontaneous
      Be informal rather than “official”
Page 4:
         Facebook must be in sync with your business/brand’s goals, visions, & values.
         Don’t worry so much about SM policies, figuring your ROI, trying to get people to “Like you”
         Think about a physical existence (Business After Hours). Do you like talking to the person who is SELLING something to you? Or do you take the time to continue to talk to the person who sits in the corner and when you engage them they just ignore you or look at your like you are interrupting them? People “Like” PEOPLE who are fun and interesting! That includes businesses. Be fun and interesting. CARE about those you are talking with/to. Be interested in what they are doing. Be present!
         Easiest way to create a page (that I have found) is to go to ANY Page, Scroll to the bottom of the left column, choose “Create a Page”
         Facebook Page creation tools are very simple now.
Page 5:
      Opt-in to the new Page format (it will be mandatory by March 1st)
      If you are the administrator for more than one page you can upgrade one at a time. After clicking “upgrade” go to the list of your pages to click “upgrade” again on each one or “all” to upgrade all.

Page 6:
      Check the category and subcategory setting. [>Edit Page > Basic Information]
Page 7:
      Choose to post as yourself or your page. This is a huge new option! Be sure to click the box in >Edit Page>Your Settings “Always comment and post on your page as XXXPageName even when using Facebook as YYYPersonalPage. Even if you are an administrator you can toggle between your accounts. Here are two different ways to get there:
1.      Go to >Account >Use Facebook as Page or
2.      Choose your Page (or the Page you are Administrator for) by typing the Page name in the search bar. Once on the Page you can simply use the link in the right-hand column choosing between “Use Facebook as XXXPageName or Use Facebook as YYYPersonalPage
      Email notifications for fan comments. [>Edit Page > Your Settings]
      If you have lots of interactions and/or are the admin for many pages, you might not want to receive that many emails.
Page 8:
         Check where your page lands. Decide whether you want your default landing page to be your Page wall with just your company postings, or “Everyone” or some other landing page (just be careful to make it EASY to use within FB don’t send me on a wild goose chase. There are companies who have landing pages. [GOOD - Disney:] or [BAD - General Motors:]
         Moderation Blocklist & Profanity Blocklist [>Edit Page >Manage Permissions] *Here is where you can help block spammers. IF there is a company who continues to post on your Page (i.e. Target keeps posting on Walmart’s Page that “Target is the best” or “’Target’ your needs” you can block the word “Target” or The Chamber of Commerce might not find “ManchVegas” as endearing as I do!)
Page 9:
         Page Tabs are more customizable. Now to the left, rather than along the top, and name them to help your fans understand what they are better. Again KISS… Be careful not over produce! [>Edit Page >Apps >Go to App]
Page 10:
         Feature your Page “Owners” and/or “Administrators”. This is where you as a person can stay separate from your page(s) and/or you can choose who gets seen or not seen. I think it is a good idea to show your featured Admins it makes it personal. [>Edit Page >Featured]
Page 11:
Photo Collage at the top is (currently) random and cannot be controlled except to “hide” (not delete) some pictures from the feed. But you can be creative (if you want) or organic (I recommend for most). [!/Disney?sk=wall]

Page 12:
         Like Pages to interact with others, participate in conversation, be sociable, promote specific pages.
         Featured “Likes”. If you want, you can feature your Liked Pages. [>Edit Page >Featured]
         This would be interesting if you had multiple pages for one company (like Disney)
         Or if you are an artist and want to promote where your paintings are on display
         Or if you sell something and want to promote where your items are sold (maybe online at NH Made)
         Or IF your Page is an INFLUENCER you may be able to get people to pay you to FEATURE there Page.
Page 13:
         Add a FB Like button (social plug-in: to your website (when someone clicks the “Like” button from your website an average of 40 of their friends see it. Also try: Comments, Recommendations, Like Box, Activity Feed, and Registration plug-ins.
Page 14:
         Post daily. Every business is different do some testing to see what works best. Utilize Facebook Insights as you do your testing to see its impact.
         Do some research on when the best time of day is to post for your particular audience. [Are you leisure? Is your market on the West Coast, in another Country? Seniors, Students, Mommy Bloggers?] When are “they” on Facebook? Watch your chat lists. Experiment by keeping a log by ½ hour on the numbers. Check various times a day and various days of the week.
Page 15:
         Don’t get stuck in a rut… Be relevant. Have a schedule, but don’t be mechanical!
         STOP, THINK, IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU – IT’S ABOUT ME! Think about how your postings might look in for instance. What do your links say about you to me. Why should I care about you? What makes you an expert in your field? Your postings have to be a good fit for your band, for your reputation, and for your business.
         KISS – Don’t over think, don’t over produce, don’t oversell, be easy. Posting on FB and within Social Media shouldn’t be the sole responsibility of the Marketing Department.
         Photos, Video, Links, and a little text (again think Flipbook or or what YOU “click” on for more info)
Page 16:
         Use @ to help inform others you care! It also helps bring those people/businesses into your FB inner circle. – PAGES CAN NOW TAG OTHER PAGES!!! Also remember to tag photos when appropriate.
Page 17:
         Target by location or language
Page 18:
         95 percent of desktop users use the Top News filter to see their Facebook updates while the 200 million active mobile device users access Facebook via app for iPhone & Android see the Most Recent (Live Feed).
         Make sure to set your “Most Recent” feed to show ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS AND PAGES (FB tends to default to “Friends and pages you interact with most)

Page 19:
         Open ended discussion. Questions, pictures, posts, suggestions, ask for advice, run campaigns, promotions, etc. helps people to easily interact with your posts
         Take a poll. This will help you identify what your fans are looking for. POLL:
Page 20:
         Watch (some of the) the big guys or find the companies you want to emulate. See what they are doing and adapt your own goals through ideas generated from their campaigns. Here is a list of the top Facebook Brand Pages:
         Make sure your photograph, video, tag, your LIVE events. People love to see themselves with the in crowd. Be respectful of your attendees. Make sure you tag pictures that are complementary.
         Monitor you site. Be sure to read all comments and posts. Thank those interacting and delete those who are disruptive to your “community”. Be sure to set your settings to which ever suites your company best. I like my wall to be just may companies posting with the ability to read “everyone” if chosen (just not as the default).
         My Page’s Favorites – Be generous.
         Security: HTTPS option on Facebook. From your personal page [>Account Settings >Account Security -select change- Under “Secure Browsing (https) click “Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible” click SAVE]

Judi  -
603-621-0638 (home/office) - 603-785-9981 (iPhone)
Library of Reference & Reading Materials:

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Advanced Social Media
Nackey Loeb School of Communication
January 19 – March 2, 2011

Remember: Social Media is hard work, takes time, and diligence to succeed!
Week #1: Selecting your preferred browser, tools, and setting up your online workspace
                Homework: Writing your 140 character bio
Week #2: Understanding Your Market, Research & Keywords
                Guest Speaker: Tony Santorsa, Case Study: blog

Week #3 – Blogging – Guest Teacher: Whitney Tyson, Grow Socially
Blog on Website
·         Adds keywords to site
·         Improves SEO
·         Keeps your website updated
What to Write About
·         Company Announcements
·         Industry Updates
·         Future Events
·         Product Promotions
Get Your Staff Involved
·         Each has their own expertise/skills
·         Show the people behind the website & Allows participation
·         Adds variety & spreads workload
Add Photos [logos, personal or purchased images]
·         Gives more visual information
·         Lightens up your blog & Give for of an experience
Add Video
·         Give personality & live coverage
·         Offers more information
·         Shows off expertise & humanizes your business
Add Audio
·         Connect to Podcasts & add it to iTunes
·         People can listen to information while they work
·         Some people are better speakers than writers
Free Blog Sites
·         WordPress
·         Blogger
Affordable Online Photos
·         Stock.xchng
·         iStockPhoto
·         Take your own pictures
Merge your blog with your e-newsletter
Judi  -
603-621-0638 (home/office) - 603-785-9981 (iPhone)

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Leveraging Social Media

Remember: Social Media is hard work, takes time, and diligence to succeed!
What do you want to accomplish?
What do you want to measure and why?
·         ROI =  Accounting Term [Return on Investment]
·         SEO = Website Enhancement [Search Engine Optimization]

I personally choose to measure: My Goals & Strategic Plan

·         Keywords – Is there a market for your product/service? If so, what are the keyworkds used to describe & find your market?
·         Traffic – Even if you have a great product, if nobody walks through the door, you’ll never succeed.
·         Conversion – How many people are taking the action we want them to take when viewing our “stuff”. Passive to Active.
·         Product – The market will tell you what they want to buy. Don’t assume you know what they want to buy. [Are you a store selling others products or do you have your own products?]

·         Market -- “A community of people who share a common interest in a particular subject or activity”
·         Market Niche – a subset of a market relating to a specific topic
·         Micro Niche – a niche within a niche
·         Niche & Micro Niche = Better Ranking because there is less competition and people searches are usually more specific.

·         Use your extended tool bar search
·         Facebook & Twitter
·         Quintura
·         SEOBOOK and other tools

·         Traffic Estimates
1.    Exact Match
2.    Phrase March
3.    Broad Match
·         Use Google AdWords to take a look at the stats
Judi  -
603-621-0638 (home/office) - 603-785-9981 (iPhone)

Library of Reference & Reading Materials:

Advanced Social Media
Nackey Loeb School of Communication
January 19 – February 23, 2011


Setting Expectations

Remember: Social Media is hard work, takes time, and diligence to succeed!
·         My preference is Firefox []
o   Learn how to make your browser work for you
o   Google “HOW TO USE [your browser]”… your ad-ons, tools, accounts….
o   Veraciously read, watch, apply as much info as you can in one week
o   Use RSS feeder and/or your Diigo library to assemble your research
o   Also read through my Diigo library. I’ll be adding you to our “Advanced Social Media Class” group. You will receive email messages with links to new information/research, etc. that may be of interest to the class.
·         Ad-Ons: Tool Bars & Extensions
o   Diigo
o   RSS Feed
o   Twitter
·         Ad-Ons: Search Tools
o   Google (or your preference)
o   Wikipedia
o   Twitter
o   YouTube
o   Others that you commonly utilize
Set up your accounts—If you don’t already have them
·         RSS Reader (Google Reader)
·         Twitter
·         Facebook
·         Blog
·         YouTube

Judi  -
603-621-0638 (home/office) - 603-785-9981 (iPhone)

Library of Reference & Reading Materials:

Advanced Social Media
Nackey Loeb School of Communication
January 19 – February 23, 2011