This is not my "usual" social workshop audience. Normally my workshops include business professionals, students, and those interested in social media for personal profit. I was so excited when Karen from St. Joseph's Catholic Family Ministry (via St. Marie's Parish in Manchester NH) called to ask if I was available to talk to them about incorporating social media in their new/growing ministry.
As some already know, in my "real" life I work for a non-profit company called Granite State Ambassadors, that I founded along with Peter Morgan and my good friend and 15-year-long training partner Bill Petersen. Over the past 4 years Bill has been transitioning from University Dean to Pastor... now known as @PastorBillP (in Twitterville) is the Pastor for the Faith Lutheran Church in East Hartford CT. To say "I miss him" is an understatement. He was my sounding board, my rock, my mentor. So when I reached out to him and asked him to join me for this workshop to use his experience as a case study for us, I was thrilled that his answer was yes!
I've cataloged (tagged) a list of reading materials, how to videos, and the actual Power Point (in 7 parts) I used for this workshop at: for your research and reading pleasure. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I could help you and/or your organization with social media. [More pics from the workshop.]
I'd like to give a special shout out to my friends and colleagues at Nackey Loeb School of Communication for recommending me to Karen for this specialized workshop. I will be teaching 2 "Facebook for the Fun of It" workshops in March 2011 and a full-length (6-week) class on Advanced Social Media in January/February 2011 at the Lobe School in Manchester NH.